Spine. That's all we do.
The cervical spine is composed of seven small bones located in the neck. The cervical spine supports the head. The neck has the greatest degree of movement of any part of the spine.
The cervical spine is vulnerable to injury. Neck injury, compressed nerves, degenerative disc disease, and herniated discs are sources of neck pain. Symptoms of cervical spine problems include:
Neck pain
Neck stiffness
Limited neck motion
Burning pain
Pain or numbness in shoulders and arms
Popping or clicking noise
Dr. Gundanna has expertise in the following state-of-the-art cervical spine surgeries:
Artificial disc replacement
Anterior cervical discectomy fusion
Minimally invasive posterior fusion
Posterior cervical laminectomy
Surgery for cervical trauma
The thoracic spine is located in the upper back. The thoracic spine is composed of twelve vertebral bones. The thoracic spine has a normal forward curve, called kyphosis.
Many spine conditions can occur at the thoracic spine, including scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, and nerve compression.
Symptoms of a thoracic spine problem include:
Neck pain
Mid-back pain
Low back pain
Fracture pain
Sudden pain after injury
Intense burning pain
Pressure, numbness, tingling, weakness
Pain when sitting, standing, or exercising
Shooting pain that spreads to ribs
Dr. Gundanna has expertise in the following state-of-the-art thoracic spine surgeries:
Kyphoplasties for fracture repairs
Extreme lateral approaches for thoracic disc herniations
Posterior thoracic decompression and fusion
Surgery for thoracic trauma
The lumbar spine is composed of five large bones. The lumbar spine is located in your lower back, just below your waistline. The lumbar spine provides back stability and movement.
Low back pain is caused by abnormalities in the soft tissues, nerves, discs or vertebrae of the lumbar spine. Strain from over exertion, poor posture, lifting activities, physical stress, or injury can contribute to low back muscle spasms, pinched nerves, or tightening of the lower back muscles.
Symptoms of lumbar spine problems include:
Sciatica - pain that spreads to the buttocks, legs, and feet
Back stiffness
Back movement limitations
Numbness or tingling
If you experience loss of bowel or bladder control, seek medical attention immediately.
Dr. Gundanna has expertise in the following state-of-the-art lumbar spine surgeries:
Microsurgical decompression for herniated disc
Minimally invasive posterior and transforaminal fusions
Minimally invasive far-lateral stabilization
Minimally Invasive facet fixation
Anterior lumbar fusion
Lumbar disc replacement
Complex / revision surgery
Surgery for lumbar trauma
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. A healthy spine has natural front to back curves. Scoliosis is a condition that describes side to side curvatures of the spine that often also involves rotational deformities. Some people develop curvatures at a young age (adolescent idiopathic scoliosis), and others develop it from degenerative changes (degenerative scoliosis).
Scoliosis can be a progressive condition that worsens over time. Untreated severe curvatures can cause medical complications. Idiopathic scoliosis may be monitored or treated with therapy, back bracing or, in severe cases, spine surgery.
Symptoms of scoliosis include:
Spine curvature to one side
One shoulder or one hip that appears higher than the other
The body may lean to one side
Protruding shoulder blades
Back pain and fatigue
Difficulty breathing
Pressure on the spinal cord or nerves
Arthritis in the spine with aging
Dr. Gundanna has expertise in treating adults and children with scoliosis using state-of-the-art nonsurgical and surgical techniques, including:
Brace control of curvature
Scoliosis surgery
Adult degenerative scoliosis decompression and stabilization
The Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) is the joint that connects the spine (sacrum) to the pelvis (ilium). The bone, ligaments, and muscles in this region can become weak or injured, causing severe pain in the lower back and buttocks region. This is known as sacroiliitis.
Symptoms of sacroiliitis include:
Lower back pain
Groin Pain
Hip Pain
Outer thigh Pain
Difficulty transitioning
Dr. Gundanna has expertise in treating adults with sacroiliitis using state-of-the-art nonsurgical and surgical techniques, including:
Minimally Invasive Sacroiliac Joint Fusion